
Disc Replacement

Neurosurgery located in Birmingham, AL

Disc Replacement services offered in Birmingham, AL

If you have a bulging or degenerative spinal disc that’s painful or debilitating, see the experts at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine in Birmingham, Alabama. The skilled neurosurgeons offer disc replacement to restore the structure of your spine and offer long-lasting comfort. Call the office to schedule an appointment, or use the online booking feature today.

Disc Replacement Q&A

What is disc replacement?

Disc replacement at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine is a surgical procedure in which your spine surgeon removes a damaged spinal disc. This jellylike disc supports and cushions your spine, replacing it with an artificial disc. Doing so reduces pain caused by a bulging or weakened disc. 

The Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine specialists are highly skilled in performing this procedure and use the latest advances in procedures and technologies to complete the surgery.

Is disc replacement right for me?

You may be a candidate for disc replacement at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine if you have a damaged spinal disc and neck pain, back discomfort, or nerve pain as a result. 

To determine which treatment is best, your specialist asks about your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle habits, and desired results. They examine your back, neck, and spine and often recommend nerve testing and imaging procedures to diagnose your condition and effectively treat it.

How should I prepare for disc replacement?

Follow your surgeon’s instructions before undergoing disc replacement. You might need to stop taking certain medications, stop smoking, and arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery. Avoid food and drink before your scheduled appointment if asked to.

What should I expect during the procedure?

Before undergoing disc replacement, you receive anesthesia that makes you fall asleep. Your surgeon makes an incision, removes a worn-down or damaged spinal disc, and replaces it with a new artificial disc before closing the incision and taking you to a recovery area.

What happens after disc replacement?

After disc replacement, you may stay in a surgery center for a day or more. After you’re cleared to head home, have a family member or friend drive you and stay with you. 

It’s important to take your medicines as instructed, get plenty of rest, and ease into physical activity slowly, as directed by your specialist. See your provider for follow-up visits to ensure proper healing, and don’t hesitate to call the Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine office with any questions.

Call the office or schedule an appointment online today to find out if disc replacement at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine is right for you.